
27 Week Meek

Alyshia & I this past weekend - two preggie bellies at Aunt Jewelann's Retirement Party. Counting down till June & July :)
Just a few days away from the 3rd trimester...FINALLY! A little over 12 weeks to go...
Nothing crazy to report...just a bigger belly this week!


26 Week Meek

Ahh...the belly. For those of you that keep asking if I'm "showing yet", Momma is shown here sporting some glorious maternity wear. At least I like the color ;)

New updates...

At our last appointment with Dr. Alexander, we were advised to choose our pediatrician soon so that we could fill out our Labor & Delivery Pre-Registration form. (Things are starting to sound serious :p) After a little bit of research, we were terribly blessed to find that Dr. Melissa Kwak (aka. Melissa Keca, for those of you following along back home) is practicing in Yorkville, and will be Mini-Meek's Doctor once he or she is here! We're SO excited to personally know the doctor and can't wait for Mel to meet our little one! YAY! :)


25 Week Meek

25 Week Check-Up with Dr. Alexander today.

Women's Health Care Associates has moved to their fancy new office in the new wing of the hospital :)

Usual stuff...pee in the cup, stand on the scale (day after Easter brunch...WHAT was I thinking when I made this appointment?!) Up 6lbs since the last visit! That freaked me out, but, again, Dr. Alexander just gave me a good old high five and still said we're on track. 14 official total pounds for the pregnancy - with a goal of 30 overall (give or take a bit)....so.... crazy as it seems, there's still room to grow!

Uterus is measuring right on (25cm) and heart beat sounded good. (Could even hear mini kicking the heartbeat listening thingy (oh, boy, I'm sure there's a much more technical term for that).

From here on out we start the "fetal kick count" :) Which should be fine with us, as watching/feeling my belly when it's active has become a new hobby anyway. Dr. Alexander says that we need at least 6 kicks in under an hour at least once each day. Otherwise it's straight to the hospital for a check up. If "fetal activity" in the coming months is anything like it has been the past few weeks, we shouldn't have ANY trouble!

Also this visit...the dreaded glucose test. I drank the sugary orange goop (which wasn't AS bad as I had heard it would be) and hung out for an hour before the blood draw. Two arms and 4 pokes later, they finally had it, something about "small veins". It was dreadful. (I have a needle problem to begin with). I wish they could put me to sleep for blood tests....but I suppose that would involve another needle eh? (would someone like to offer me some cheese with my whine?)

All in all....good visit. Now let's just hope the glucose test comes back normal and we're done with the needles for a while! :)


24.5 Week Meek: Grandma Fitzpatrick & Gram & Gramps Meek suprise us with goodies!

What's this on our porch??

THE CRIB! (via Grandma Fitzpatrick!) & THE BEDDING + ROOM GOODIES (via Grandma & Grandpa Meek)

Some HUGE pieces to our baby room came today! We were so excited!

With a little team work -- in less than an hour we had put together the GORGEOUS oak crib from Gram F. Here Dad demonstrates what we have to look forward to...hopefully smaller ;)

And not long after that...Momma had the most fabulous time playing with our new bedding goodies from Grandma & Grandpa Meek.

The nook is officially looking like a nursery.


24 Week Meek

We're starting to put together quite the pile of baby gear! Kitten is shown here warming up the stroller we found (fellow bargain hunters, you'd be giddy to know this was a craigslist gem! ;) Along with the stroller we also got the coordinating car seat...we could actually bring a baby home - hooray!