
Fall Family Photos

Thank you to our Aunt Cherie for the fantastic photo day.  Impossible to choose - here are a few I couldn't resist sharing :)


Fall with the foursome

Most of the leaves have fallen, we've already had a halloween party or two, we picked out our pumpkins just in time for carving and pumpkin bread making!  Emeline is now 8 months - crawling, climbing, standing, shuffling, cruising...mostly smiles, lucky us!  However, no longer content to be watching the world go by, she is all up in it, and protesting loudly when not holding what big sis is holding, standing where big sis is standing, or eating what big sis is eating!
It was pretty chilly and windy for our pumpkin hunting!
Super Dad

Teeth chattering but still searching for the right pumpkin :)

2012's pumpkins :)

Our "bird" feeder

Emeline - 8 months, the ONLY shot where she wasn't crawling away at warp speed....not sure we'll get a 9 month photo.


Why we have kids...

Why do we have kids?

Not a day (probably not an hour, if you're of the stay-at-home types) goes by that we don't think of this question as parents - sometimes googly eyed and gushing with love, and other times, resisting the urge to send our kids off to live with Ms. Hannigan.

But recently, I read this:


Good stuff from an old friend.  And brilliantly written for someone without kids, although, a professional uncle and big brother, so that helps.

And, I always follow cousin's blog here: http://www.lateralmovements.com/  who lives the complete opposite life, in various parts of the world. 

This cousin, Lauren, will likely be coming to visit us this winter. 

Lauren knows a lot of sign language.

Our oldest is fond of sign language.

The other morning while I was getting ready, Annie was asking me what the sign for something was.  I had no idea (and can't remember what the word was).  I told her, you can ask cousin Lauren when she is here to visit us this winter, I'm sure she will be able to show you.

Annie:  Where is she?
Me:  Lauren is in Argentina right now.
Annie:  What's her babies name? (because everyone has a baby)
Me:  She doesn't have any babies.
Annie:  Why doesn't she have any babies?  (as if this was absurd)
Me: (pausing...)  Well, not everyone has babies...  (and I went on to describe reasons people might not have babies, as if I needed to...)

What I wanted to say was:  Well, maybe she doesn't want to give up her body for 9 months, her life for the following 18+ years, and her heart forever, maybe she enjoys pursuing her own dreams vs those of little versions of herself, maybe she likes to sleep when she's tired, eat when she's hungry, bathe when she's dirty, exercise, take a class, work, play, travel...  The reasons for not having children are endless.  Actually, Annie and I have a pretty open relationship for a 3 year old and a mom, so I really didn't censor much of what I just mentioned when I explained it to her.

But of course, we're of the reproducing folk...so her question has been burning in my mind for a bit.

If you asked me at 18 if I would ever get married or have kids, I would have said no way.  Of course, throughout most of my 20's I flip flopped from hopes of marriage one day and maybe kids, to thinking, nah, the single, free life is the way to go.  Either way, I got to a point, I was happy.  Happy being me, or happy with someone - but I didn't need one way or the other.

Then I got to know him.  Now, I know people get married for all sorts of reasons, much like they have kids for many different reasons.  But my experience went hand in hand.  I would never have wanted to get married if I didn't really find "the one" that was going to satisfy my twosome desires eternally, I'm not one for empty promises.  So once I found someone better for me than anyone I had ever met, nor would ever meet, someone I felt made the world a better place just by breathing (and consequently convinced him that I was his other half ;) - the best thing I could do with my life from that point on is make more of this guy. 

I'm not saying I got married, quit my job, and got busy all Duggar style.(http://www.duggarfamily.com/content/home

When I say the best thing I could do is make more of this guy, I don't mean as many of this guy as physically possible.  I mean, more like...I can't let the gene pool end here entirely. 

When I looked at what was really important to me once I became part of our team, what would mean a hill of beans when I looked back on my life...I knew it wasn't going to be climbing the corporate ladder or learning to knit.  (Although, if I ever find the time and desire, I might try to knit.)

I had an opportunity to build something entirely different and to take on a position that I couldn't be fired from, would never get a raise from, and would challenge me in ways I had never imagined.  The only business-like perk possible with this position is potentially a promotion, to Grandma...one day...long from now...with a lotta luck...

We built a home (not a house people, that's the shell, I'm talking about "home") and proceeded to reproduce.  Not only did I feel like I was reproducing a piece of our marriage, but each little baby is a  product of the past.  Maybe that new baby will have great-grandma's eyes, laugh like great aunt so-and-so, or have great-great-grandpa's sense of humor, and how often do we even know where these little traits come from?  Yet, when we recognize it, that flash of familiarity, is comforting and refreshing.  It's like a fresh start and a continuation all in one, to see your family grow.  Meeting someone for the first time, made from a long line of people we've known and loved all along, probably the very reason we "love them from that first breath".   A little bit of me and a little bit of him, and the mixture of our past, combined into one tiny little life with an entirely new future ahead. 

And we are honored enough to be a part of this experience?

That's reason enough for me to miss more sleep than I'd like to admit, sport a few (er, many) stretch marks, and never again use the bathroom alone.

To the best of my knowledge, my Grandma Fitzpatrick was a professional Grandma.  Before then there are rumors she was also a wife, mother, daughter, and sister, but as far as I was concerned, she was a GRANDMA.  At Grandma's funeral, my cousin, Kate (cousin's are really getting the publicity from me today), said:

 "...as I look around this room, I see all of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and I can see that her life's work, was us, and I feel very proud and thankful to be part of her life's work"  (and I can even hear her voice crack as she said that last part)

I completely agree, Kate.  I'm so proud to be part of her life's work, and the work of my family before me.

And that is why we have kids.


Fall Begins!

It's Fall here!  Annie started her first dance class (Mommy and Me Dance...more of a buffet of dance styles introduced to a group of toddlers who prefer interpretative dance, ok, maybe my kid is more in favor of interpretation, but whatever, you get the idea.)  Emeline has turned 7 months, she has a mouthful of teeth (nothing like her gummy-smile sister at this age) and has eagerly started crawling (about a month ahead of big sister - thinking she doesn't want to waste any time as she watches Annie bustle about on two feet).

We've been busy visiting with Grandma Fitz who has been sick.  We celebrated Grandpa Fitz's birthday out on the farm.  We visited Great Grandma Metzka's Memorial Garden.  Grandma Meek has been here helping us keep up from time to time.  And we have been trying to soak up our own backyard as much as possible -- every time I pass by a window, I am blown away by how gorgeous fall is all of a sudden.  Unbelievable we live here...it's like eternal vacation (minus housekeeping ;)

Our tiny dancer at her first day of class.
Visit to Grandpa Fitz's Farm
Remember that Memorial Garden we installed May 10th of this spring?  Here it is a few months later - Annabelle & Emeline warming up the swing while checking in on Great Grandma's Garden.
Smiley, toothy, Emeline - 7 months on September 28, 2012

This is our BACKYARD - Happy Fall!


There are many gifts we give our children, love, of course being number one.
Among the other potential gifts we can give, more people to love and be loved by, must be up there somewhere. Today – high fives to all those siblings out there.
I am half oldest child, and half only child. These past few weeks, I have been the only child mostly. When my Momma is seriously sick – it’s me with that pit in my stomach, the head pounding nerves and general concern about doing the right thing, at the right time. It could be a lonely feeling, being an only child at times like this.
Unless of course, Momma has siblings. While I may not be one of two, or more…my mother is number five of seven. When she needs help, she has an army of sisters, a team of family, right there with me making sure all is well. I can never get over the power of numbers, and seamless way everyone immediately appears to stand in, pick up things, make phone calls, run errands, and generally love in all those ways beyond flowers and chocolates.
"Many hands make light work...."  (I heard that over and over growing up watching my Grandma and Aunts bustle about the kitchen.)
I am so grateful, while my very immediate family is small, my general immediate family is huge. I have an “aunt hill” on both sides, and have repeatedly been blown away by the security of everyone working and caring together when someone is sick.
It makes me equally as grateful that Annie has Eme, and Eme has Annie. You’re welcome girls – instant partners in crime, bestfriends, confidants, and of course, someone to lean on when you need them. You’re still so small with so much ahead, but already I know you will be incredible buddies and I’m so proud of you! Almost makes me want to make more of you…almost ;)

Grandma Fitz is going to get healthy very soon and get back to these two cuties!  :)


We're in!

Oooh August 2012...how we will remember thee...

Big Sis and Little Sis packin it up!

We have now slept in our new home for about two weeks.  In some ways it feels as if we just got the keys, and yet, other times I feel as if we've never lived anywhere else.  Our space is twice the size (thank you sprawling ranch and full finished basement), the girls have their own rooms and closets (no more hearing Emeline's pack-n-play "bed" rustling by my head at night) and we have a backyard that makes any given plain ol' Monday, down right vacation.

I was terrified I would miss the old house.  I thought I would leave clinging to the doorway, drenched in tears.  But in reality, I was so busy sweating and hauling and chasing after a toddler or jostling an infant -- that our last night in the house, I wasn't even sure would be our last night for sure?  So I didn't really have that lengthy mental sob fest.  It all happened so fast, and such a blur, and here we are...
Rather than look back (which of course I always will to some extent, I'm nothing if not a huge sap) I see Annie running down our new halls, sitting in her tiny bed, standing next to our new fireplace.  I see Emeline wobbling as she tries to sit on our new living room floor, I watch her stretching out on her tummy in her new room or eating some of her first foods on our porch overlooking the pond.  I know that this is such a short snapshot in our lives.  So quickly Annie won't look so tiny in her little toddler bed, her little feet pounding down the hall won't be so little.  Emeline won't be struggling to sit, she'll be running down the hill toward that pond, all on her own.  So many memories to be made here, I want to savor them all.

Emeline demonstrates our new SPACE (now filled with furniture, but equally as vast :)
The new beloved backyard

Hammock swing love, moved from the Maple by the deck at the old house to the Locust by the pond at the new house.

Fishing buddies already - THIS picture...this is one of those where you see time flying right before your eyes.  Annie 3, Eme 5 months.  Before I know it they'll be 4 & 2, and 10 & 8....and 20 & 18...right here on this dock!

Fishing: I believe Grandpa Meek also calls this "nap with a stick"

Down the pond

Bambi lives here! (apparently deer can be found in the backyard, so far we have only seen Bambi in the park a few doors down, but she is there regularly and rather people-friendly considering)
Ok, so we've got loads of space, luxurious accommodations, a pond out back, only a few miles from our old home...did I mention we can now walk to the pool?  Git yer suit on Annie, we're goin swimmin'!

Two weeks in our new place, and we finally walked down the street to this :)

Hang on summer!  We could handle a few more days like this!

“The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt


Five Months and a tooth (or two)...

Little Miss Emeline turned 5 months on July 28th.  She's now wearing 9 month clothes!  And just yesterday I was teasing her about all the drooling she does as I removed her fist from her mouth.  I stuck a finger on her gums and said "ya know little baby, why don't you save some of that drool for when you're cutting teeth" as I rubbed her bottom gum...

Oh, whoops.

She has two teeth already.

And that, folks...is what being the second kid, while your parent's are starting a new business and buying a new house...is all about.  Let's hope I'm looking when she starts to crawl :)  Lucky for us, she has a very go-with-the-flow attitude, (as if she has any other options!)  I'm sure she'll be moving on her own in no time, she's very anxiously wiggling every chance she gets, to get closer to big sis, closer to the cat, closer to the tv.  Once we get settled in our new home, I have to get her started on solid foods - she's also flailing her arms at every spoonful whenever someone is holding her during a meal.  I'm guessing her first words will be "would ya just gimme that already!"

Emeline 5 months (2012)

And because it's fun to compare:  Big sis at the same age:
Annie 5 months (2009)

Obviously, I had more time to dedicate to feeding little Annie - she filled out much faster.  However, she was shorter, much less to fill out :)  Hopefully Emeline will slow down a bit and let her baby cheeks and belly catch up to her long legs!

*Toddler moving stress update:  We closed on our new home today and were able to take a quick walk-thru.  Annie's first time through the house in about a year (1/3 of her life) -- she started out quiet, a little overwhelmed by meeting new people (current owners were there).  I took her down to the girls bedrooms and asked her which room she would like.  She quickly chose one confidently...and started prancing around showing the current owners "her house" ("this is mommy and daddy's room, this bathroom is where I will pee when I need to, this is my room, this is Eme's room")  Whoa, sister...I had to slow her down and remind her the current owners will still be sleeping there one more night ;)

She's going to adjust just fine.


And just like that, July is nearly over...and so is our time here...

Our little Annabelle June just turned THREE!  In honor of the big day, we had a few friends and family over to celebrate.  And, we reminisced of past birthdays:

Annabelle turns 3, July 14, 2012

Annabelle turns 2, July 14, 2011
(At the arboretum for her birthday - oh, how we struggled to get those pig tails in)

Annabelle turns 1, July 14, 2010
(The morning of her birthday)

Annabelle, shortly after 3am on July 14, 2009

It goes by so fast.  (How many times do we have to hear that?  And how old do I sound saying it?)  But it's true.  In a blink of an eye, that 7 pound lump on a log sat up, crawled, stood, walked, talked, and otherwise became an undeniable force in this house.

Did I say house?

We're moving to a new house in ONE WEEK!

This whole moving thing has been much like "we're getting a new baby" was, when I was pregnant.

We've talked of it non-stop, we've prepared for it for months, we've read books on it, watched movies about it.  And yet, no matter how much prep I thought we gave Annie before Emeline was born, the day she came to the hospital to lay eyes on her sister for the first time -- it was total shock.  She looked at me like I was kidding.  No, really, this IS your sister...the one that's been growing in my tummy...look, she's here now!  I held her over the baby bassinet in the hospital.  She glanced at the baby, gave me a blank stare, buried her head in my shoulder...peeked back up to glance at the baby, and then had a few minutes of that awkward toddler thing she does where we get a little baby talk, or lack of response at all. 

But within five minutes, she snapped out of it.  I assume she did a little mental recount of the months leading up to the moment, looked at Emeline and thought "oooooh, I get it!"  And from that moment on, she's been nothing but smitten with our newest little house guest.

I expect much the same with this move.  I felt like we were preparing her plenty.  We drive or walk by the new house often, visit the park just down the street from where we'll be living.  We talk about why we're packing up our things, and where they will go.  Building up the excitement that she will have her very own room (with a door! no more "nook") and a real closet!  There will be room for her toys to be out (rather than in storage during the years she's just the right age for them!)  So many great things to come with this big change. 

Most of the time she is inquisitive and eager.  Asking a few specifics about where Elmo will go, or if we'll take all of her dollys.  But yesterday we drove by the house, and I pointed it out as I always do -- and she seemed a little hesitant, upset even.  I said "Annie, look!  There's our new house again!  One more week till we can go in and it is ours!" -- she was quiet in the back of the car.  "Annie?"

Annie:  Mom...I don't know about this...
Me:  You don't know about what?
Annie:  I dunno
Me:  Are you ok?  You always liked seeing the new house before? 
Annie:  I dunno about this house.
(Me, in panic...what went wrong, how do I give her warm fuzzies about the move?!)
Annie:  I dunno about this house and this...stuff...I just...dunno...(she thought a minute)...will Dad move to this house too?


YES ANNIE, Dad will move to this house too! 

Oh my goodness, the things we take for granted.  All these changes around her, and I had failed to stress what I thought was obvious...that we would all, always, go everywhere together.  I was worried she'd be upset about her books, or her toys, her pillow, or her bed...  I'd forgotten that she didn't even know for sure that her FAMILY was a certain part of the move.  Her family, in it's entirety.  Good grief.  Head smackin', failed mom moment.

That quick conversation in the car explains alot. 

Annie is ALWAYS our love bug (group hugs, unprompted I love you's...back pats all around) -- but the past few weeks, it's been CONSTANT.  Several times a day wanting "group hugs" and "mom and dad, you hug...now hug me...now hug Emeline...Mommy, HOLD ME!"  I figured the boxes, the house torn apart and general upheaval was stressing her out a bit.  But I never imagined...that she would imagine...our move would be anything other than all of us moving together.

So we're having extra hugs around here.  And obviously need to touch on some of the less than material basics of our upcoming move, more.

And then let the fun begin! 

A whole new chapter in our lives waiting to be written - in our new home - all nice and together like.

Annabelle, 3 years & Emeline, 4 months
Getting ready to move to their new home, together....with their mom....and their dad....and their cats...and yes, Daddy, the fish too :)


June 2012

Emeline 4 months (2012)
Annabelle 4 months (2009)

I know it's not proper to compare, but, when given the opportunity with two little sisters (made from the same batter as my Dad would say) it's just something we do.  If we could put a little more meat on Emeline, she would be the spittin image of her big sister.  Although at 4 months, Emeline is roughly the same weight Annie was at the same age -- she is the same HEIGHT Annie was at EIGHT months! So try as we might...filling out lil' stretch is going to take a some work.

The girls are keeping us busy.  Someone is always needing something or doing something.

Emeline said her first word recently.

I asked her kindly to take her nap during big sister's nap, so that Mommy might have a snowball's chance in hell of accomplishing just one thing today.

She said: "no"

That's a skittle in her mouth for peein on the potty and a sticker on the chart.

Other breaking news for the Meek family?  Annie gave up her diapers.  Just like that, cold turkey, straight to fancy pants (aka. undies).  We couldn't be more proud (amazing what makes us proud these days).  She really was amazing - a few learning accidents the first day or two and then she was full on house broke.  This chart shown here in the picture is now full of stickers...now if I could just convince Annie that she's a pro now and no longer needs a skittle for every success.

Eme 3mo, Annie 34 mo

Emeline's first swing ( cool having a big sis, Annie didn't get to do this till 7 or 8 months...nice to have someone to hold you up when you're 3 months old)

Oh, the things they say...I can only imagine what we'll hear when both of them are talking!

Of recent:

(Baby whimpering, with Annie sitting next to her)
Mom (making dinner): "Annie!  Will you give little baby her nukie please, it's sitting right on the table!"
(Annie ignores me)
Mom: "Annie!  The nukie!"
Annie:  (not moving) "It's OK Mom!  The crying isn't really bothering me!"

(Mom typing an outreach email to a new galactosemic family, we've had a bunch of new ones lately, so this has played out more than once)
Annie: "Mom, whatchyou doin Mom?"
Mom: "Typing an email to a new galactosemic family"
Annie: "Why?"
Mom:  "Well, the mommy contacted us for information about her new babies, she just found out they are galactosemic and she's scared."
Annie:  "Why she scared Mom?"
Mom:  "well, she's afraid her little babies will get sick, or not do well, but I'm letting her know it will be OK"  (and I got a little choked up...)
Annie:  "come here come here Mom" (motioning for me to bend down) "bend your legs like this" (showing me how to bend down :p)
(I got down on her level and she hugged me)
Annie:  "she'll be OK mom"

And why we should watch what we say:

Annie:  "It's damn hot out here"
(although, I find this a wee endearing.  I would garden with my Grandma Fitz when I was little, and I'm sure I was well into my teens before I realized "crabgrass" was actually just that, not "damn crabgrass")

(Annie really wanting to mess with the baby bathtub, me discouraging her)
Mom: "Annie put that down, baby is not getting a bath until tonight."
Annie: "but Mom, I wanna"
Mom:  "Annie, just wait, she'll get even more dirty, then we'll give her a bath before bed"
Annie:  "But MOOOOM!  She's totally dirty and nasty already!"
(probably another good reason to watch what we say)

(Annie goes potty, and yells from the bathroom)
Annie: "Moooooom!  Mom, come see!"
(I go and see, and sure enough, successful #2 on the big potty, she was very proud)
Mom:  "Great job Annie!  Let's flush and wash our hands"
Annie:  "No, no Mom, we gotta get Dad, he's gotta see this big turd"  (completely straight faced, and proceeded to yell for Dad to come see.)

Best I stop there...I just can't post during potty training month without a mention of poo.  Dad, you're right - "I don't have to tell EVERYONE, EVERYTHING"...but I just can't help myself!  ;)


A long line of mothering...

Every year, mother's day rolls around, it usually falls around my Grandma Fitzpatrick's birthday. 

On this day, I would buy my own mother something traditional, a plant, a nice, sappy card, maybe some candy...and I would usually do the same for my Grandmother's...but they are all gone now.

Until we have reached the top of the mother food chain (these days around here that's "Grandmother", as we have recently lost all of our local "Great Grandma's") it's hard to even imagine celebrating or experiencing "Mother's Day" on the other side.

In honor of my maternal Grandma's passing - and the incredible Great Grandmother that only one of my girls had the pleasure of meeting....we recently planted a memorial garden, in the small town where she raised her large family and across from her eternal resting place. 

My Grandma Metzka had a lovely garden; a flower garden and a vegetable garden.  Both of my grandmother's had me outdoors, down in the dirt and growing things...from as young as I can remember.  It was only natural (oh, the puns just keep coming!) that a fair tribute to her would have been something beautiful, something growing, and something that needed lots of hard work. :)

So I thought, "let's build a memorial garden in Custer Park for Grandma!" --- (that's all I did)

And then my fabulous husband, who makes all dreams come true...made this happen.

He helped me come up with a plan (where I rambled and insisted on this and that)....

.....and then he drew up the plan, presented the plan to Custer Park, arranged for the maintenance schedule, ordered the plants, and set aside time from his busy schedule to put this darn ol' garden into the ground.

Along with helpful hubby, previous colleague, my ambitious two year old, our on-call babysitting Grandma Fitz, my knight-in-shining-pick-up-truck-father, and the numerous family members who contributed financially to the cause...we installed The Violet Metzka Memorial Garden this week.

It went a little like this:

Future Garden Site.  There are 7 Ash trees planted in Custer Park near the town hall in memory of my Grandpa Metzka.  He had 7 daughters.  This is tree number 6, and where we planned our memorial garden.  Here you see hubby explaining to Annabelle how we will mark the bed lines for the garden installation.

Two year old Annabelle, and Great Granddaughter of the honoree, removing sod from the garden bed with Mr. Erickson.

Sod removal is hard work.  So hard, Daddy just points, Matt just drives the tractor, and we rely on the two year old to do the serious labor.  Annie didn't flinch...girl comes from a long line of hard workin' women...

Sod out...let's get some plants IN! 
 Oh, and bare toes in the dirt...must have bare tootsies!

Due to Custer Park's stringent child labor laws, we did allow Annie to have a quick PB&J near the boxwood.

Placing the plants.  (see toddler totally slacking in the lawn chair)

Fabulous hubby and hardworking daughter, planting my Grammy's Memorial Garden.
 Best. Mother's. Day. Gift. Ever.

Planting Hosta.

Planting, watering, etc...

Riding the tractor with Mr. Matt Erickson.

Annabelle watering the planted and mulched, mostly finished...memorial garden.

We are still plotting a memorial bench to top off the memorial garden.  So this project remains a work in progress - but the planting is done.  We've crammed a lot of plants in there...I'm guessing in a mere 6 weeks we'll be thinking it's pretty darn full ;)  I had such a wonderful time, being back home, working with my friends and family, running into the locals...  Super thankful for my MOM who took care of our itty bitty infant so that we could have free hands at the garden - so thankful for my Dad who never says no when I call for anything (this time it was a pick up truck) and who always makes me feel like I can do anything...thankful for the visits from Aunt Bonnie while we worked and the support we had from family along the way.  I can't think of a better way to honor Gram M, than with something that will continue to grow and change -- how else can you symbolize a mother of 7, grandmother of 10 and a great grandmother of 7 and counting...

Happy Mother's Day

Annabelle must have been in charge of the camera while she was visiting with her Great Aunt Bonnie.
A tiny clip of "garden installation through a toddler's eyes" :)
Bonnie:  "....people I know..."
Annie:  "there's Mom and there's Matt and there's Daddy, and so...there's more Matt (Matt's helper's name was also Matt, so this clearly makes him "more Matt") over der and they're workin, and so, they're workin and stuff...."