There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter. - Rachel Carson
Things are looking up around here. Spring seems to be on the way (a few days here and there at least), Annie no longer has a fever, and we've been slowly getting out and about and back to our normal activities. We've been back to the park, outdoor window shopping, took our first trip to the zoo this season, resumed play dates with Ava, and have been finally giving the hammock swing and backyard slide a workout lately. Annie is starting to eat a little bit better (NOTHING like her old self, but at least a nibble here and there some days), now if we could just get rid of her nasty cough, we'd be doing pretty darn good!
Annie has learned to say her full name: Annie Meek, and then points to us and says "Mommy Meek, Daddy Meek....Kitty Meek, Sammy Meek" (pretty much anything in our house is a "Meek"). It's so fun to watch her language skills develop, she's starting to say the cutest things. However, on a recent bridesmaid dress hunt for Aunt Shannon's upcoming wedding, Annie and I were on our own in a dressing room. And while I was trying to quickly slither in and out of dresses before her patience was exhausted (her patience was gone before we walked in the door of the dress shop) -- Annie was yelling "Mommy BOOBIES!" "Mommy NAKEE"! (that's naked) -- kids say the darnedest things don't they? I got a few looks on the way out from a group around a bride trying on her I gathered up my toddler and all the things that go along with her and SHE lead me out the door, I looked at the bride and said "this is what happens after that dress." She chuckled...and her mother, obviously anxious to be a grammy, clapped with joy....and Annie lead me to our car.
back to the park! sidewalk chalk hammock Whomever invented those silly cars/buses/trains/boats/space shuttles/ponies etc. that wiggle around for two quarters, and then placed them every 30 feet in public spaces that children frequent should be punished. We can't walk by one without either stopping for 20 minutes and then leaving in tears, or dragging Annie by, without stopping, in tears. Either way, these things just create chaos. zoo Night with Grammy F, and a spring present! Annie/Ava play date 20 & 10 months :)
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