
36 Week Meek

Momma, Dad & Mini-Meek at 36 weeks 1 day :)

The 9th month arrives!

We had our 36 week check up today - Mini-Meek was estimated to be around 6lbs, and on more than one occasion it's been mentioned that it sure seems like a L O N G baby. Maybe there is a tall Fitzpatrick in there? All along I've been told I'm carrying so "small" (har har har) that it must be a small baby...but it's starting to sound like it's really just a stretched out lounger type baby ;) not necessarily "small". I'm dilated 1 cm, nothing to get excited about, but a sign that the ball is rollin' -- not too much longer! Those of you trying to guess gender...baby's heartrate was 136bpm. ;)

Cousin Carter was born this week on June 24th! We're very anxious to get Mini-Meek here to join in the fun! Congratulations to Alyshia & Neil! :)


Father's Day 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Dad spent his last baby-less Father's Day with Grandpa Meek, Grandpa Fitzpatrick and Great Grandpa Beeler in Lacon this weekend. We had a great time visiting with everyone!

Grandpa Fitzpatrick and Dad 06.21.09

Momma and Mini-Meek with Grandpa Fitzpatrick, Nancy, Aunt Shannon, Aunt Collen and Maggie! 06.21.09


Baby Shower Thanks!

Huge thank you to the infamous Metzka Aunt Hill! We had a wonderful shower this weekend and appreciate all the hard work and planning!

Mini-Meek poses in belly with Momma, Dad, Grandma Fitzpatrick, Grandma Meek, Great Grandma Fitzpatrick & Great Grandma Metzka


35 Week Meek

Another week of Meek-growing behind us!

Dad and Mom have recently discovered the increasingly enticing "Bradley Method" of childbirth and are cramming through the info in any book we can find. (We're well passed the time to sign up for a 12 week class - woops! ;)

Looking forward to our 2nd baby shower this weekend on the Metzka side! Can't wait to see everyone! Also looking forward to celebrating Father's Day and seeing Aunt Shannon again now that she's back from her trip!

Here's Momma sweating in the sun on a recent work field trip to our plant production facility - obviously I wasn't aware the photo was being taken. However, this photo does capture my current belly in all it's glory. ;)


34 Week Meek

Fun week for us - June is always such a busy month! :)

-Dad finished his LARE exams & celebrated his birthday this week! Hooray!

-We also took our Labor & Delivery tour at the hospital this week. The Grandma's came along to get a sneak peek at where they'll finally have a chance to cuddle with Mini-Meek. Very exciting to see where it's all going to go down in just a few short weeks!

-Mini-Meek has been very busy lately, LOTS of moving around. We've also discovered that baby reacts to different ring tones on the cell phone! ;)

34 weeks down....6 to go....(thank goodness all these shirts are stretchy ;)


33 Week Meek

Another week bigger! (I don't have a new picture this week, picture last week...but fatter yet.)

Had a check up with Dr. Alexander on Thursday - pretty uneventful, everything looks normal, and I'm still pregnant ;)

We received baby gifts in the mail today from Melissa & Chris! :) Thank you so much! Baby goodies all the way from San Diego - YAY! We also received our pack-n-play from Matt & Michelle this week! LOVE IT! (I single handily, 8 months-pregnantly, put it together and packed it away again super fast - it's awesome!)

Also, still looking for the mystery gift giver from a few weeks ago? If you sent us our portable high chair...we wanna thank you properly!

In hopes of keeping our fur babies out of Mini-Meek's new goods, we've been allowing them to enjoy the boxes and wrapping that our new gifts have arrived in. Here Kitten appreciates the box and wrapping paper from Melissa & Chris :)


Mini-Meek's First Baby Shower!

We just want to give a great big thanks to everyone who made the shower last weekend so much fun! Thank you Grandma Jan for hosting, and Aunt Susie for all your help! Thanks to Grandma Donna, Aunt Bev, Kayla, Michelle, Courtney, Sue, Debbie & Judy for attending! Thanks to Grandpa John for taking the boys out shootin' while we did our shower thing! We appreciate it all so much!