

So much is happening lately, it seems hard to keep up!  I'm definitely missing some events on the ol' blog these days -- but here are a few photos from this week:

Some Grammy-time before Aunt Shannon's bridal shower.

Buying Sand for the new sandbox.

Farmer Annie's new tractor - helping to build the new sandbox.

Farmer Annie and her shovel, helping Dad dig a sandbox hole.

Farmer Annie has gone to bed, Dad finished the sandbox :)


Annabelle's 2nd Birthday Today!

Wow, two years ago today...well, let's just say a lot has changed since then! (saving us all one of my 10 page novels ;)

Today has been such a fun day!  As soon as Annabelle woke up this morning, we measured her height on the wall upstairs.  She grew SO much, impossible to believe she was nearly half her size this time last year!  Then we had a breakfast of some "birthday eggs":

After that we packed up and headed to the Arboretum to enjoy the children's garden and playground there:

After a mini-nap in the car, we stopped for lunch.  The first EVER lunch that I have ever gone somewhere, empty handed and ordered food for Annie and myself.  You momma's that think nothing of sharing what you're eating or the easy night swinging through a drive-thru...you have NO IDEA...how cool this was.  It was like we were tourists in a restaurant.  I made double sure everything was safe, and then Annie and I shared a burger and fries at "Meat Heads" (still a fan by the way, super awesome about dietary issues, and super yummy fries...)  Anyway, keeping with the tourist theme...I was snapping pictures left and right of my two year old eating fries in a restaurant...simple pleasures for us...

We topped off our travels with a stop at Toys R Us...where Annie pretty much picked out the store.  But ended up leaving with a giant Whinnie the Pooh ball (and some Elmo Shampoo, Elmo underpants, and Elmo placemats...)
When we got home we found MORE presents, a box from Grandpa Fitz & Grammy Nancy, flowers from Grammy Fitz and a tricycle from Daddy! 

And oh, the cupcake!  Last year, we had to entice Annie to get into her cupcake...break off a piece, let her taste the frosting...this year, I made the mistake of letting her know I was even MAKING cupcakes.  It's all I heard about.  For dinner I said, will you please eat a little avocado and pizza?  "nope, all done, cupcake".  I said, Annie, if you have room for a cupcake, you can eat dinner.  I even went so far as to offer up a whole different meal to her.  "Annie, if you eat a little chicken and noodle, you can have your cupcake."  "nope, all done, all done....cupcake."  -- After our usual stand-off...a battle of stubborn wits, Annie ate a teeeeny weeeeeny nibble of a broccoli floret, and then she got her cake.

Happy 2nd birthday Anniebelle - we love you sooooo much!


Happy 4th of July!

 What a perfect summer weekend!  Warm and Sunny, with a lot of Annie-firsts to keep things exciting!

Eating just shucked corn while taking a break from the sprinker.
One of our many bike rides since getting the bike trailer.  We've biked to breakfast, the park, the bar, the next few towns...always having a great time!

Annie's first popsicle.

A visit with baby Ethan.

Annie naming plants downtown (coneflower and liatris here ;).

Patriotic pool time.

Annie's first watermellon.
Best shot of Dad & Chris with the two wiggle worms (Annie & Joey)