
We're in!

Oooh August 2012...how we will remember thee...

Big Sis and Little Sis packin it up!

We have now slept in our new home for about two weeks.  In some ways it feels as if we just got the keys, and yet, other times I feel as if we've never lived anywhere else.  Our space is twice the size (thank you sprawling ranch and full finished basement), the girls have their own rooms and closets (no more hearing Emeline's pack-n-play "bed" rustling by my head at night) and we have a backyard that makes any given plain ol' Monday, down right vacation.

I was terrified I would miss the old house.  I thought I would leave clinging to the doorway, drenched in tears.  But in reality, I was so busy sweating and hauling and chasing after a toddler or jostling an infant -- that our last night in the house, I wasn't even sure would be our last night for sure?  So I didn't really have that lengthy mental sob fest.  It all happened so fast, and such a blur, and here we are...
Rather than look back (which of course I always will to some extent, I'm nothing if not a huge sap) I see Annie running down our new halls, sitting in her tiny bed, standing next to our new fireplace.  I see Emeline wobbling as she tries to sit on our new living room floor, I watch her stretching out on her tummy in her new room or eating some of her first foods on our porch overlooking the pond.  I know that this is such a short snapshot in our lives.  So quickly Annie won't look so tiny in her little toddler bed, her little feet pounding down the hall won't be so little.  Emeline won't be struggling to sit, she'll be running down the hill toward that pond, all on her own.  So many memories to be made here, I want to savor them all.

Emeline demonstrates our new SPACE (now filled with furniture, but equally as vast :)
The new beloved backyard

Hammock swing love, moved from the Maple by the deck at the old house to the Locust by the pond at the new house.

Fishing buddies already - THIS picture...this is one of those where you see time flying right before your eyes.  Annie 3, Eme 5 months.  Before I know it they'll be 4 & 2, and 10 & 8....and 20 & 18...right here on this dock!

Fishing: I believe Grandpa Meek also calls this "nap with a stick"

Down the pond

Bambi lives here! (apparently deer can be found in the backyard, so far we have only seen Bambi in the park a few doors down, but she is there regularly and rather people-friendly considering)
Ok, so we've got loads of space, luxurious accommodations, a pond out back, only a few miles from our old home...did I mention we can now walk to the pool?  Git yer suit on Annie, we're goin swimmin'!

Two weeks in our new place, and we finally walked down the street to this :)

Hang on summer!  We could handle a few more days like this!

“The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt


Five Months and a tooth (or two)...

Little Miss Emeline turned 5 months on July 28th.  She's now wearing 9 month clothes!  And just yesterday I was teasing her about all the drooling she does as I removed her fist from her mouth.  I stuck a finger on her gums and said "ya know little baby, why don't you save some of that drool for when you're cutting teeth" as I rubbed her bottom gum...

Oh, whoops.

She has two teeth already.

And that, folks...is what being the second kid, while your parent's are starting a new business and buying a new house...is all about.  Let's hope I'm looking when she starts to crawl :)  Lucky for us, she has a very go-with-the-flow attitude, (as if she has any other options!)  I'm sure she'll be moving on her own in no time, she's very anxiously wiggling every chance she gets, to get closer to big sis, closer to the cat, closer to the tv.  Once we get settled in our new home, I have to get her started on solid foods - she's also flailing her arms at every spoonful whenever someone is holding her during a meal.  I'm guessing her first words will be "would ya just gimme that already!"

Emeline 5 months (2012)

And because it's fun to compare:  Big sis at the same age:
Annie 5 months (2009)

Obviously, I had more time to dedicate to feeding little Annie - she filled out much faster.  However, she was shorter, much less to fill out :)  Hopefully Emeline will slow down a bit and let her baby cheeks and belly catch up to her long legs!

*Toddler moving stress update:  We closed on our new home today and were able to take a quick walk-thru.  Annie's first time through the house in about a year (1/3 of her life) -- she started out quiet, a little overwhelmed by meeting new people (current owners were there).  I took her down to the girls bedrooms and asked her which room she would like.  She quickly chose one confidently...and started prancing around showing the current owners "her house" ("this is mommy and daddy's room, this bathroom is where I will pee when I need to, this is my room, this is Eme's room")  Whoa, sister...I had to slow her down and remind her the current owners will still be sleeping there one more night ;)

She's going to adjust just fine.