
waiting, preparing, and oooh the things Annie says....

....Week 33 of fetal captivity! This baby seems bigger, or maybe I just don't really remember those last few weeks the first time around? At least this time we know 40 weeks isn't an exact science...however, that also has me on my toes a little more, wondering if we have 6 weeks to go? Or 4, 3...? I'm trying to live like any day could be the big day....even though we hopefully have plenty of time left for baby to finish up its growing on the inside. PS, to anyone thinking a summer pregnancy is too hot...hogwash...you don't appreciate the ease of sundresses and fliplops. This winter bulk is WAY worse, I already can't reach my feet and thats before layering on clothes upon clothes...and then trying to get into some winter boots? UGH!

In the meantime, we're trying to cherish the last few moments with Annabelle alone. She's so darn witty for a two year old, and still amazing strangers with her knowledge. Just this week she floored a few mom's at the library by grabbing random books and reading them to me...and she read most of the posters at the bank to a woman opening an account for us. When Annie realized she was impressed, she decided to spout off her ABC's....the woman just replied...'I bet you can do that in French too huh?'

I keep meaning to jot down some of the fun conversations we have, here is as good a place as any:

Mom: Annie please put your glass down before you spill
Annie: Mom, you mean?
Mom: No, I'm not mean, I just don't want water all over the place.
Annie: Mom, you annoyed?
Mom: I won't be if you just stop waving that glass around.
Annie: Mom, you frustwrated? (still waving glass around)
Mom: YES, a little bit...I am a little frustrated, put the glass down.
Annie: oh, ok (usually puts glass down)

(driving down thre road...passing some stores, Annie sees Target)
Annie: Hey Mom, shall we go to Target and buy things?
Mom: we're not going there today sweetie
Annie: Shall we go to Dominick's and buy things?

(watching TV with Annie (America's Funniest Videos, our 'favorite show ;)
Annie keeps pointing out the window
Annie: "refrection!"
Mom: "mmhmm, it is snowing out" (had no idea what she was talking about, all I saw was snow)
Annie: " No! Mom, refrection!"
So I leaned over closer to see what she saw, and sure enough, she could see the REFLECTION of the TV in the window...

We're still working on possessive words. Annabelle has started using "my's" for "mine"...it is hard to correct (especially as any blog reader will certainly attest to...her mother has horrific grammar) but it is so darn cute! Everytime we're at the table eating, she'll point to all of her things (fork, napkin, what have you) and say "this is my's?"

We still get regular spontaneous "oooh, I love you Mom (or Dad)" several times a day...and random hugs and kisses...with exagerated 'muuuuahs!' - she's a real lover :) She also instigates, "group hugs!" and "Everbody hug!" She's always worried about where her people are, or what they're up to...she asks me most days about "where Grandma is, or what's Maddy & Ava doin right now?"

aaaaand of course, because this is a reality blog...we also get plenty of "no, no, no's" And screaming as if her fingernails were being ripped off whenever she has to do something she doesn't like (turning off a favorite show for mealtime, giving back a cell phone, getting a diaper change when she'd rather keep playing) and we hear a LOT of "I DO IT!!"... and often times when she can't quite 'do it' (like buckling her seat or putting on socks) -- so even though I usually let her give it a shot, it usually ends in frustration and more dramatic 'no, no, no's' or 'it's too hard!'

That said...she is a fantastic little helper, the girl can load the dryer in no time, and knows we need just one dryer sheet, and where to throw away the old one. She can sort her lights, whites, darks and linens...now if we could just work on real folding ;) She's a great swifter, helps unload the diswasher, loves helping to cook (she'll see me cooking and say "I'll be right back, gotta wash my hands!" then she will come pull me by the hand to her stool and tell me she's gonna need that in the kitchen to help cook).

Oh, and our little social butterfly still says hello to EVERYONE...if you see us out and about, better say hello back, or Annie will call you out on it! If she says hello to someone who doesn't say hello back, she will promptly and loudly announce to me and everyone around that 'that lady/guy is NOT very friendly'. I try to tell her some people are just too engrossed in their errands, maybe not necessarily 'not friendly'....but come on...who can't look up and say hi to a friendly two year old?....So I usually let her point out the unfriendlyness publicly without shushing her too much ;)

I can't believe how far she has come in two short years...and to think, we're about to bring home another sweet little bundle of helpless flesh....that will also grow right before our eyes, faster than we can imagine. So many crazy, wonderful (sleepless) moments ahead!



Dear 2012:
Please be kinder to the Meek Family this year.  How about less deaths, employment frustration, financial woes and stress, and more weddings and babies to enjoy?
Ma Meek

Hooray!  We're only 8 days into 2012 and so far...we've had one fabulous wedding to be apart of...and are still counting down till Mini-Meek 2 arrives.  We're busy shifting around closet and dresser space, stacking mini diapers next to pull-ups, hauling out old baby onesies and washing tiny socks.  It won't be long before our threesome is forever a foursome -- I cannot imagine what's ahead!  Throw in a new business venture...and hopefully a bigger homestead in the somewhat near future...and no matter what happens this year, it's bound to be a wild ride as always.

Annabelle was yet again a flower girl this weekend.  Another fabulous performance, especially considering she was sick the entire weekend and running on no sleep.  She managed to smile, walk down the aisle, and even get a ride in the limo with the wedding party despite her runny nose and puffy eyes.  Such a trooper and we had such a great time with the bride and groom - what a fabulous family, we always have fun with the Keca sisters :)  Congrats to the new Mr & Mrs. Wange!