
37 Week Meek

Holy Cow! (no cow puns please...) It's JULY, it's the 9th month, and we're officially "full term"! Here's what I'm reading for the 37th week:
"Your pregnancy: 37 weeks
Congratulations — your baby is full term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his/her lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away."
"Your Pregnancy: Week 37 Your baby is officially baked this week! That means you could literally give birth at any given moment. A terrifying, exciting and overwhelming concept, all rolled into one. Your partner is undoubtedly having the same emotional roller-coaster ride, so be sure to share your feelings and enjoy these last weeks (days?! hours?!) together."

I have to admit, aside from some achy hips and pelvis (I think I may have "dropped" - but being a first timer, I have no idea...) and some serious exhaustion....things aren't TOO bad. I should be somewhat prepared for the sleepless nights, I've been up a minimum of twice each night for the past nine months anyway! :p

So now we just wait! I keep asking Mini-Meek what the plan is...early, late, right on time...? But no reasonable responses have been given...we're still working on our communication. ;)

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