
June 2012

Emeline 4 months (2012)
Annabelle 4 months (2009)

I know it's not proper to compare, but, when given the opportunity with two little sisters (made from the same batter as my Dad would say) it's just something we do.  If we could put a little more meat on Emeline, she would be the spittin image of her big sister.  Although at 4 months, Emeline is roughly the same weight Annie was at the same age -- she is the same HEIGHT Annie was at EIGHT months! So try as we might...filling out lil' stretch is going to take a some work.

The girls are keeping us busy.  Someone is always needing something or doing something.

Emeline said her first word recently.

I asked her kindly to take her nap during big sister's nap, so that Mommy might have a snowball's chance in hell of accomplishing just one thing today.

She said: "no"

That's a skittle in her mouth for peein on the potty and a sticker on the chart.

Other breaking news for the Meek family?  Annie gave up her diapers.  Just like that, cold turkey, straight to fancy pants (aka. undies).  We couldn't be more proud (amazing what makes us proud these days).  She really was amazing - a few learning accidents the first day or two and then she was full on house broke.  This chart shown here in the picture is now full of stickers...now if I could just convince Annie that she's a pro now and no longer needs a skittle for every success.

Eme 3mo, Annie 34 mo

Emeline's first swing ( cool having a big sis, Annie didn't get to do this till 7 or 8 months...nice to have someone to hold you up when you're 3 months old)

Oh, the things they say...I can only imagine what we'll hear when both of them are talking!

Of recent:

(Baby whimpering, with Annie sitting next to her)
Mom (making dinner): "Annie!  Will you give little baby her nukie please, it's sitting right on the table!"
(Annie ignores me)
Mom: "Annie!  The nukie!"
Annie:  (not moving) "It's OK Mom!  The crying isn't really bothering me!"

(Mom typing an outreach email to a new galactosemic family, we've had a bunch of new ones lately, so this has played out more than once)
Annie: "Mom, whatchyou doin Mom?"
Mom: "Typing an email to a new galactosemic family"
Annie: "Why?"
Mom:  "Well, the mommy contacted us for information about her new babies, she just found out they are galactosemic and she's scared."
Annie:  "Why she scared Mom?"
Mom:  "well, she's afraid her little babies will get sick, or not do well, but I'm letting her know it will be OK"  (and I got a little choked up...)
Annie:  "come here come here Mom" (motioning for me to bend down) "bend your legs like this" (showing me how to bend down :p)
(I got down on her level and she hugged me)
Annie:  "she'll be OK mom"

And why we should watch what we say:

Annie:  "It's damn hot out here"
(although, I find this a wee endearing.  I would garden with my Grandma Fitz when I was little, and I'm sure I was well into my teens before I realized "crabgrass" was actually just that, not "damn crabgrass")

(Annie really wanting to mess with the baby bathtub, me discouraging her)
Mom: "Annie put that down, baby is not getting a bath until tonight."
Annie: "but Mom, I wanna"
Mom:  "Annie, just wait, she'll get even more dirty, then we'll give her a bath before bed"
Annie:  "But MOOOOM!  She's totally dirty and nasty already!"
(probably another good reason to watch what we say)

(Annie goes potty, and yells from the bathroom)
Annie: "Moooooom!  Mom, come see!"
(I go and see, and sure enough, successful #2 on the big potty, she was very proud)
Mom:  "Great job Annie!  Let's flush and wash our hands"
Annie:  "No, no Mom, we gotta get Dad, he's gotta see this big turd"  (completely straight faced, and proceeded to yell for Dad to come see.)

Best I stop there...I just can't post during potty training month without a mention of poo.  Dad, you're right - "I don't have to tell EVERYONE, EVERYTHING"...but I just can't help myself!  ;)

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