
Potty Party

So....I was reading the other day about how "most" countries outside of the U.S. have their kids potty trained by 12 months. Golly, I thought all of our books said to start around 2 years or so...or when the kid seemed ready (not sure exactly what that means)....I personally thought Annie couldn't be ready until she could at least walk well, I mean, when was the last time you saw someone crawl to the potty? Aside from college of course.

Well, Annie walks well. And thus far, anything I thought she wasn't "ready for" she's surprised me with being more than ready for. So we got some potties. We went out today and picked out a potty for upstairs, and a potty for downstairs. I intended to just set them in the bathroom and let her get used to them being there, until, as our American toddler books instruct: "she's ready".

Annie thought the potties were pretty cool. She spent a good part of the afternoon carrying the "downstairs potty" around, and wearing it as a hat. I was going to stop the hat wearing, but I remembered "keep the experience positive" -- so I let her do as she pleased with the potty.

Just before her bath tonight, I set her on the potty. I gave her some TP to hold (that's what we do on the potty right?) and she sat there shredding the paper while I filled her bath tub. She got up to look in the tub, and just as I was to say "no no, sit down, we have to potty"...I looked in the brand new potty and sure enough! PEE! It was as if she got up to say, I'm done!

Now I realize my kid is not "potty trained" after ONE tinkle in the pink pot. BUT common...14 months old, just learned to walk?...spent the day with the "potty" on her head as a hat?...and then managed to get 'what goes where' in less than 12 hours of owning her own potty?

What a potty girl ;)

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